50 years of rigorous development to best serve industry
- 1964 : Roland Bailly SA was created in the town of Beure
Specializing in manufacturing precision tools, measurement tooling, machining,
and prototype research and development
- 1970 : The first step towards diversifying with the creating of the Vibration Department
- 1973 : New HQ, rue Bernard Palissy, Besançon, and the manufacture of the first
plastic injection moulds for the watch industry
1988 : The purchase of the first injection machine to the further watch part production evolution
- 1989 : The development of a new product range, the conveying belts
- 1990 : The development of a range of centrifuge feeders, in response to industries
stellar growth
- 1992 : Roland Bailly SA is rewarded by the Micron d'Or at the Salon International
des Microtechniques (Micronora) for the development of a watch micro rotor
- 1999 : Obtains the ISO certification of quality and craftsmanship
- 2001 : Further business activity expansion with the creation of a plastic injection

- 2006 : Expansion into the luxury watch market
2012 : The integration of high speed milling technology and acquisition of a CNC
turning machine