Linear Vibrators and Rails

Our line up consists of two families : the standard models and the counterweight

models (type S).

Standard models are dedicated to the transfer of parts on rails, up to a maximum 

of 350 mm.

Counterweight models are used for rails of great length, up to 1000 mm.

These models, equipped with silentblocs, offer very high levels of performance.

The special extended series allows us to lengthen the rails to 1500 mm.

Rails of different material and design are studied and tested at our workshops, and

permit a buffer zone between your machine and the vibrating bowl.

The rails can be fitted with a "maximum" and "minimum" level sensor.

Vibrating bowlsVibrating bowls
Tooling and complex partsTooling and complex parts
Plastic micro injectionPlastic micro injection
Our strengths
& manufacturing
& flexibility
& adaptability
Trust Association
& transparency